(트루컴뱃) 놀랍게도 Coroner는 아직 살아있다.


물론, 부고가 올라오지 않은 이상 그가 "실제로" 살아있다는 건 당연한 사실이지만, 여기서 말하는건 그런 의미가 아니라 웹 상에서 아직 모습을 드러내고 있다는 말이다.

실로 정말 우연히도, 오늘따라 왠지 트루컴뱃을 검색해보고 싶어서 검색해봤는데, 불과 한달도 되기 전에 그가 트루컴뱃 포럼에 새 글을 올렸다는 사실을 발견했다.

물론 딱히 아주 특별한 내용이 있는 건 아니지만, 약 10~20여년 전 우리의 어린/젊은 시절에 잊을 수 없는 크나큰 추억을 선물해준 개발자인 Coroner가 무려 2019년에 새로 올린 글이니만큼, 매우 반가운 마음에 올려본다.

Hello world.

20 years ago I was mapping for Kingpin: Life of crime. After having released a Q2 map, I never finished that map for Kingpin and ported it later to Quake3, sometime early in 2000. The map became known as Urban Assault in the Q3:Terminator mod. From there the development of Truecombat started.

Though 2019 marks no real anniversary year for Truecombat, it is one for its early beginnings. Much of Q3TC visual darkness and gloominess had its roots in Kingpin.

My fingers are itching to get back to TC and to recreate a modernized version of that early TC experience. However, real life hardly allows that. Moreover, there is still no ET engine update which would allow pushing the graphics of TCE/CQB to at least a bit higher level. Thus still COD4:Modern Warfare would seem the base game of choice allowing to map in the Radiant editor and with its Q3 roots basically resembling Q3TC game mechanics.

If one map were to be recreated, which one would be iconic for the TC franchise? Snow seems to be the oldest one which was in all TC incarnations.

Thanks to Diane for keeping this site up.

